The Montagu Hospital Rehab Therapy Team is embarking on an incredible journey to make a difference in the lives of our patients. We are thrilled to announce our participation in The BIG 24 Hour Cyclothon, a team challenge that will test our endurance and determination. On March 1st, 2024, we will begin a non-stop cycling event at the Fred and Ann Green gym. For a full day and night, we will keep the pedals spinning, fueled by our passion for helping others.
Last year, our gardening therapy group brought immense joy to our patients. To further enhance their experience, we are raising funds for a custom-built potting table. This table will be specially designed to accommodate wheelchair users and patients with varying abilities. With the correct height and easy accessibility, it will empower our patients to engage in gardening tasks with greater independence and comfort.
We have set a target of £1,000 for this fundraising campaign. Every single donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on the lives of our patients. Your support will not only help us acquire the potting table but also contribute towards redesigning our current Rehab 2 balcony into an attractive and therapeutic outdoor space.
Join us in this incredible endeavor by donating today! Together, we can create a therapeutic and nurturing environment where our patients can thrive and find solace in nature's beauty.
Thank you for your generosity,
The Rehab Team (Stroke and General Rehab)