I am running 10k during the weekend of 1st and 2nd March to raise money to support those with broken hearts and empty arms.
The Worst Girl Gang Ever is a gang that no one wants to be a part of but sadly lots of us are. Thankfully TWGGE is an amazing gang of like minded, strong and compassionate women all supporting one another through a tough time, whether that be baby loss, miscarriage or infertility. TWGGE are fundraising to be able to support women and men affected by these areas and are already doing a wonderful, powerful job! Help to raise money for the charity to reach further and support these people going through hardship and when they need the support most!
Carried for a moment, loved for a lifetime ❤️ Baby Barnes is forever in our hearts.
I am dedicating this run to all the babies that never made it earth side, including ours & all the mummy’s living everyday without their baby/babies.
If you know me well, you’ll know running isn’t my favourite activity but I’m challenging myself with the support and alongside the other warriors that are a part of TWGGE! Please donate if you can 🫶🏼