October has two events that are really close to our heart and make it a difficult month for us as a family. On the week of 9th - 15th October it is baby loss awareness week and also on that very same week on the 9th is the day Evangeline should have been celebrating her Birthday.
Me and Siani have had 4 miscarriages during the time of building our family. All have been very difficult times for both me and Siani, as well as our families. Not all people experience these unfortunate circumstances and often don’t realise how much a miscarriage can impact you. But having gone through 4 miscarriages myself I can tell you it’s heartbreaking, I really struggled personally. Siani struggled through this too but as well as this she has had to go through two more traumatic events of losing a stillborn and then Evangeline at 2 years old, I can’t begin to imagine the hurt that goes through her every single day after knowing how much a miscarriage has impacted me.
“Every day in the UK around 13 babies die every day shortly before, during or after birth and at least 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. And around 150-200 babies and young children die every year from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)”
To raise awareness of this we have decided to challenge ourselves as well as raise money for charity during October.
For any money we manage to raise during October up to our target we will also match this and donate that same amount. All money raised we will be donating to the Sands charity.
“Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, operates across the UK: supporting anyone affected by the death of a baby; working in partnership with health professionals to ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care; and promoting improvements in practice and funding research that could help to reduce the loss of babies’ lives.
We depend on the amazing energies of our supporters to raise the vital funds that we need to deliver the wide range of services that we offer. #TeamSands”
So during October we will complete 1 million steps between us as well as run a marathon over the course of the baby loss awareness week. For anyone who knows us, this is a huge target and challenge for us as we are the most lazy and inactive people you could meet.