This September we are cycling 240km in the West Bank to raise money for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Our last big bike ride was 30 years ago from Land's End to John O'Groats in a slightly cooler climate!
We first visited Palestine in 2001 for Iona's wedding in Gaza. We saw first hand the contrast between life in Tel Aviv and the life for Palestinians living under occupation. Since then we have sadly become very aware of the daily suffering of families even when it is not extreme enough to be reported in the media.
Palestinians alone are required to apply for permits for movement from the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank into Israel. A World Health Organisation report in 2022 stated that over a third (35%) of patient permit applications were not approved by the Israeli government in time for them to reach their hospital appointments. In the same time period, 30% of children were approved permits but without either parent given a permit to accompany them.
MAP delivers health and medical care to Palestinians who are not able to access healthcare due to the occupation.
We are raising £6000 in support of the Palestinians access to healthcare. Please support us by making a donation, however small.