3days in.10% done. 300 press ups completed only 2700 to go… thanks for all of the donations so far!
Heart disease has affected my family and I want to help by fundraising for the British heart foundation
I have set myself a challenge to do 3000 press ups in April.
Your donations help BHF fund more ground breaking research. Help to save and improve lives of families and loved ones by making a donation today.
£2 can help researchers we fund to isolate the DNA from a patients blood sample, in the hope of finding faulty genes causing heart and circulatory diseases.
£6 can help to buy test tubes that researchers we fund use to aid their research into inherited heart conditions.
£16 could support one of our early career scientists to conduct one hour of research.
£22 provides an hour of vital support from a Cardiac Nurse to answer patients questions
£25 could help to give a researcher an hour of access to a powerful microscope helping them to see whats going on inside heart and blood vessel cells.