“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” Walt Disney.
It is all systems go! Project Library!
Nestled amongst a thriving community within a leafy, beautiful village, Combe Down Primary School is a delightful place to learn and grow. We are however missing something rather special and undoubtedly fundamental. A peaceful library. A special nook to read a book. A spot to reflect and catch a breath. A quiet space to learn and listen.
So, we are working hard to raise vital funds for exactly that. A new school library. A brand-new log cabin tucked away in our Forest School area. The perfect spot to lose yourself in a riveting plot! Our current library is part of a busy corridor and so does not lend itself to being a special, and quiet space. We are off to a strong start, but there is a way to go yet. Can you help us? We have some exciting fundraising plans in the pipeline; but we need your help!
A little amount from many will make a big difference, and you can take pleasure in that warm fuzzy feeling that you have enabled our children to indulge themselves with a jolly good book, in their new fancy-pants library. Small amounts make a big difference, and big amounts are most welcome too! It ALL helps, and we are SO grateful.
On a serious note, and from the bottom of our hearts, we are desperate to raise this money. Recent findings from The Literacy Trust have revealed that fewer than 3 in 10 (28.0%) children and young people aged 8 to 18 said that they read daily in 2023. Furthermore, having a quiet space was strongly associated with reading enjoyment, and reading frequency. This is why our new library is so very important. A book is a passport to so many adventures and opens a whole new world to children in ways we cannot even imagine. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support.