"Mae Coda Ni (grwp Cristnogol yn wreiddiol o Ddyffryn Teifi) yn eich gwahodd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithredu dros Heddwch yn Gaza o Chwefror 14eg tan ddiwedd Ebrill 2024 trwy annog pobl i gyfrannu at y gronfa hon, trwy brynu tocynnau at y gyngerdd arbennig a llu o ddulliau eraill yn eich cymuned.
Coda Ni is a Christian group from the Teifi Valley and we invite all to take part in a campaign for Peace in Gaza from February 14th until the end of April 2024 through urging friends to contribute to the fund here, buy tckets for the special concert and take action in your community.
(Please scroll down for English Translation)
Mae rhan gyda phawb i'w chwarae wrth i ni geisio sicrhau fod Cymru'n danfon £5000 a mwy i leddfu dioddefaint a rhoi gobaith i bobl yn Gaza. Ein nod yw darparu cymorth ymarferol i boblogaeth sy'n dioddefn trais creulon, ac i gynyddu eu gobaith at y dyfodol trwy ddeall fod pobl - ar waethaf eu llywodraethau - yn clywed y gri o boen ac am gymorth. Byddwn yn gweithredu trwy godi arian i Apel Argyfwng Gaza yr Amos Trust a sefydlwyd gan Garth Hewitt er mwyn estyn at dlodion y byd trwy gymorth ymarferol yn arwydd eu bod yn cael eu caru, ac am gyfiawnder a heddwch iddynt.
Bydd yr arian yn mynd yn bennaf at ddau achos yn Gaza. Bydd cyllid ar gyfer y tim meddygol sy'n dal i weithredu yn adfeilion Ysbyty Al-Ahli (a gynhelir gan Esgobaeth Jerwsalem o'r Eglwys Esgobol) er gwaethaf y peryglon iddynt eu hunain a'r diffyg adnoddau. Bydd cyllid hefyd yn mynd at y Gaza Sunbirds - tim o bara-seiclwyr a gollodd goes neu fraich ond sy'n gweld eu cenhadaeth fel dosbarthu pecynnau o fwyd i'r bobl mwyaf anghenus ar hyd ffyrdd tyllog a pheryglus Gaza.
Yn ystod y cyfnod byddwn ni yng Nghymru'n trefnu gyda Chapel Presbyteraidd Bethesda, Yr Wyddgrug "Noson dros Heddwch yn Gaza" ar Nos Sul 14eg o Ebrill, lle daw Dafydd Iwan a Garth Hewitt ynghyd ar yr un llwyfan i ganu caneuon ysbrydoledig dros heddwch a chyfiawnder a rhyddid i bawb yn Gaza a Phalestina. Mae Dafydd wedi canu o flaen degau ar filoedd yn y Stadiwm Cenedlaethol yng Nghaerdydd gyda'r anthem "(er gwaetha pawb a phopth, rydyn ni) YMA O HYD"; ac mae Garth wedi canu o flaen miloedd ar lwyfan yr Wyl Roc Greenbelt yn adleisio'r un thema "(My name is Palestine and) I will Survive". Erbyn diwedd y noson, byddan nhw gyda'i gilydd ym mlaen y capel dan arwydd y Groes, ond pythefnos yn unig ar ol dathlu'r Atgyfodiad. Mae tocynnau (£12 neu £5 i blant dan 12 oed) ar werth yn y siop leol, neu arlein
Os na ellwch ddod i'r Wyddgrug ar y noson, croesawn roddion i'r gronfa yma ynghyd ag unrhyw neges. Gellwch chwarae eich rhan trwy rannu'r ddolen i ffrindiau a thrwy'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Efallai eich bod yn dod i'r noson ond yn gallu rhoi mwy na £12 - croeso i chi wneud cyfraniad pellach yma. Neu beth am drefnu gweithgarwch yn eich ardal i godi arian, a rhoi'r arian yma gyda neges fach yn dweud sut godoch chi'r arian ac ymhle. Gall fod yn fore coffi, yn gwis, yn her personol wedi ei noddi, yn rhodd gan gymdeithas, neu ddim ond yn gasgliad bach ymhlith ffrindiau.
Ond dyw'r hyn allwn ni ei gyflawni ddim yn mynd i atal yr holl ddioddefaint a dod a heddwch i Gaza. Mae'r mynydd yn rhy fawr o'n blaenau. Cofiwn hanes y bachgen bach ar fynydd arall oedd a phum torth a dau bysgodyn yn unig i'w gynnig i fwydo 5000. Ond cynigiodd yr hyn oedd ganddo, a gofyn i iesu fendithio ei ymdrech ef a phawb arall, a chyflawni'r gweddill. Gwnawn ninnau yr un fath.
English translation
We can all play a part in reaching and smashing the £5000 target which Wales will send to Gaza to alleviate the suffering and give some hope for the future. Our aim is to provide practical help for people in Gaza who are suffering so terribly, and to try to give them some hope for the future by showing that peoples - despite their governments - feel their pain and are working for them. We shall be fundraising for the Gaza Emergency Appeal of the Amos Trust which was founded by Garth Hewitt to reach out to the poor and the oppressed of the world with practical support as signs of God's love for them. and to campaign for peace & justice.
The money which you raise will be chanelled into two important projects in Gaza. Funds will be sent out weekly to the courageous medical team who are still serving the wounded in the ruins of Al-Ahli Hospital - which is run by the Jerusalem Diocese of the Episcopal Church) despite their lack of resources and the daily danger to themselves. Funds are also being sent to the Gaza Sunbirds who are a team of para-cyclists who have lost limbs and yet still deliver food parcels on their bicycles to those in most desperate need, often being able to navigate damaged roads where large trucks cannot go.
During this campaign, we shall be organising with Bethesda Chapel in Mold a "Concert for Peace in Gaza" at 6pm Sunday evening 14th April. At this concert, two legends of protest songs for justice will for the first time share a stage to sing their inspirational songs in search of peace in Gaza. Dafydd Iwan has sung before tens of thousands of Welsh fans at the Cardiff City Stadium in Cardiff with his anthem "YMA o Hyd" (Despite everyone & everything, we are STILL HERE). Garth Hewitt has sung also to tens of thousands on the main stage at the Greenbelt Festival echoing the same theme in his sond "My name is Palestine and I WILL SURVIVE". At the end of the concert in Bethesda Chapel Mold, Dafydd and Garth will come together - under the sign of the Cross but also just after the resurrection of Easter Sunday and sing their song of hope for Gaza. Tickets (priced at £12 or £5 for children 12 years or under)will be on sale at the local shop and you can buy them here
If you cannot come to Mold that evening , please consider giving a donation to this online appeal and spreading the message for others to do the same. Leave a message also of hope for peace in Gaza. You can play an important role by sharing the link to this page to all you know and through social media. Maybe some of you coming to the concert would be able to give more than the £12 ticket cost, and you can use this page to make a further donation. Maybe you could organise some fundraising activity in your own area, and donate the money here with a sentence about how you raised the money. It could be a Coffee Morning, a Cake Stall, a personal sponsored challenge or just an informal collection among friends.
Of course, how ever much we donate, it will never be enough due to the mass destruction and misery in Gaza. It's too big a mountain for us to climb by ourselves. But let's remember the example of the small lad on a mountain who had no hope of achieving the task of feeding 5000 people. In faith, he gave what he had and Jesus blessed his gift and did the rest. Let's follow that lad's example !