This Autumn marks 5 years of being cancer free. This is not only a huge personal milestone, but an opportunity for me to give back to the wonderful and supportive charity, Breast Cancer Now. The aim of my fund raiser is to raise as much money as I can for this vital charity, but I think, more importantly, to raise awareness.... PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHEST! If you have been called for a mammogram then PLEASE attend. It was at my first ever screening that breast cancer was detected, and because it was found before it had spread through the lymph nodes, it was much easier to treat, and I have reached 5 years clear. To get this message across I have to go bold (or bald!!!)... so I will be having my hair shaved off on Wear It Pink Day, Friday 18th October 2024. I would be so grateful for your support and donation, but at the very least if you could share this page far and wide that would be amazing! My thanks to you all xxx
Breast Cancer Now's wear it pink day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK. Taking place in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of amazing people will wear it pink in their communities, schools or workplaces, to help make life-changing breast cancer research and support happen.