In January 2024 I took my, then 2 year old, daughter Olive to A&E as she was very wobbly, lethargic and was finding it difficult to walk. It turned out she had a brain tumour blocking the fluid from draining from her brain causing hydrocephalus. What followed was 8 weeks in hospital, 5 procedures including a 10 hour major op to remove the tumour. She also suffered from posterior fossa syndrome as a side effect of the major op which left her unable to eat, walk or talk.
King’s were incredible from the first moment we walked in to A&E until the minute we left and all the aftercare since. Olive is now almost back to her old self. She’s having regular MRIs to monitor her, as well as physio and OT sessions. She’s back to laughing, chatting and playing and her walking is almost back to normal.
Anything we can raise to help make other families in horrible situations feel looked after and cared for in the way we did would be amazing.