Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. I’m proud to be raising money to support UNICEF’s vital work for children.
On October 29, I’m running the Frankfurt Marathon. It is the first time for me to go such a distance and practicing for it has been a ride on the edge of a razorblade. I am at a point now where I am as excited and anxious to be running 42.2km/ 26.2miles in one go.
I would be grateful if you chose to sponsor me for this endeavour. Your entire contribution will go to UNICEF to help children, who need a big layer of protection against poverty, natural disaster and war.
For every donation, could you please submit two songs for my playlist, and then I will be thinking of you and hopefully this will make the run so much smoother. For every donation I receive by October 20, I will proudly wear your name as a (non-permanent) tattoo on my calve, neck or as a sticker on my clothes depending on the weather conditions. If we hit the 1000 EUR target, I will go beardless until (at least) end of 2024 😊.
I will add 25% on every donation you make to reach the target more quickly together!
You can find out more about UNICEF's work at