Almost two years ago one of the finest humans we know, James Clarke, was diagnosed with MND (Motor Neurones Disease). We’ve done some fun stuff in the last year or so, and a lifetimes before, having all worked, lived, skied, dined, danced and partied together across the globe! On the 2nd October this year, two of his best mates- Tom & I, will set out to Standup Paddle Board from near the source of the Thames at Eton Castle 🏰 to Eton & Windsor bridge. Some 110km over 4 days. We are not Amazon explorers 🧭, have little experience with water snakes 🐍 & Alligators 🐊 which we’ve been assured we’ll come across near Slough, but we will give it out best shot. We’ll be inviting anyone to join us on along the river from Day 2 onwards (best we get the bickering & falling in out of our system day one you see.) who’s had the pleasure to work with James, myself, Tom, Knight Frank or Foxtons. Day 1 Eaton Castle to The Trout, 28km-ish on Tadpole Bridge. Day 2: The Trout to Osney Lock - 33km, Day 3: Sonning to Marlow 24km & Day 4: Marlow to Eton Bridge 28km.
‘There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much doing as messing about in boats.’ K Grahame.
Well, we’re about to see whether two men on a paddle board can fall into the same joyous category along the stretch of Thames said to be the inspiration for The Wind in the Willows….
Please join, donate, paddle, splash, swim or just say hi 👋 along the way… Coxy & Tommy