Leila and Chris are of similar age, both married with two sons and one daughter, both retired and were looking to volunteer at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital.
"We both heard about the role that the Butterfly team did and decided to find out more and as a result signed up to join. The idea of Butterflies came from Liz Prior, whose mother died alone after being discharged from hospital. Liz then set about forming The Anne Robson Trust (after her mother) whereby support would be given on a voluntary basis and that no one should die alone. To that end Butterflies sit with patients who are end of life, talking to them, reading to them, playing music to them, and just generally letting them know that they are not alone. Their families are also supported, offering respite, company and often sharing stories and memories of their loved ones.
We went to an introductory meeting in 2019, where we first met, learnt what the role would mean and decided to sign up. It’s far from being depressing; it’s very rewarding and we meet some lovely people along the way. We have also made some lovely friends with fellow Butterflies.
So basically, we’re a couple of rather mature thrill seekers and have decided to do the charity abseil from the 4th floor of the NNUH, along with some likeminded souls on Sunday 10th December. We are trying to raise funds to support the Butterfly project so if you know anyone who would like to support with a donation or to cheer us on in person, we would be really grateful. Hopefully we won’t make a spectacle of ourselves!!"
Leila and Chris.