On a hot, sunny afternoon, a cardboard box was found outside our Cats Protection Headingley Shop. Inside, curled up together and mewing softly, were four tiny, flea-covered kittens. Abandoned and left to fend for themselves, they were in desperate need of care and a safe place to call home. Phoebe, Shop Manager, couldn’t leave them outside in the heat. After calling a vet for advice, she decided to take them in for the night, keeping them safe in her own home until they could be properly treated.
The next morning, the kittens were transferred to our Leeds Cat Centre, where they were given a full health check, neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. These four adorable kittens each had their own unique markings and playful personalities, so they were named after the four Hogwarts houses from Harry Potter: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. After receiving the best possible care, each of the Harry Potter kittens found a loving forever home where they could thrive.
Sadly, for too many cats and kittens, this isn’t an unusual story. Abandonment rates have skyrocketed this year, increasing by over 30%, and our resources are being stretched to their limit. At Cats Protection, we are committed to giving each of these abandoned cats a second chance, but we need your help to make it happen.
This appeal is to raise funds to continue caring for vulnerable cats like Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Every donation, big or small, goes directly towards giving these innocent animals the care, safety, and love they deserve.
Your support could mean:
• £2 – Feeding a cat in our care for 10 days.
• £5 – Covering essential worming treatment, protecting a cat from parasites that cause discomfort and serious health issues.
• £10 – Paying for flea treatment, relieving cats of itching, irritation, and potential infections, and ensuring they’re comfortable and ready for adoption.
Please donate today to help cats like the Harry Potter kittens. Let’s work together to make sure they all have the chance to find a home filled with love. Every little bit makes a difference. Thank you for being a part of their journey.
If we raise above and beyond our target or cannot reach our target, then the funds will be used to help other cats and kittens in our care.
Cats Protection help more cats than any other organisation and we want to help millions more. We are a dedicated community of passionate employees, volunteers, supporters and partners, working together to make life better for millions of cats and the people who care for them.
We are the voice of cats in society and we speak up for their protection.
We’re working towards a society where every cat is treated with kindness and respect.
Making a better life for cats, because life is better with cats.
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