A keen runner in all weathers, I have felt I am loosing my passion for running over the difficult time I have had loosing my beautiful sister to a brain tumour at the age of 41. I have therefore set myself the challenge of running a ‘Marathon’ in the form of two half marathons to take place on 23rd November and 1st February. Both races follow a tough course - four times around Arthurs Seat in Edinburgh. Some friends and family will join me to support me and will run various distances too. I would be delighted if anyone would consider sponsoring me or running too. I hope I can raise some money and awareness, and reignite my own love for sport.
My wonderful colleagues at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh have nominated Brain Tumour Research as our staff charity this year which is a wonderful thing to do. Below is a little about why we are supporting this important cause.
More children and adults under the age of 40 die of brain tumours than from any other cancer yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease.
We are fundraising for Brain Tumour Research as they are the only national charity dedicated to funding long-term, sustainable research in the UK. Please help us fund a cure.