Will you donate to support our 5-mile sponsored walk, from Red Door Day Centre to Peel Tower? Helping us raise money, to support people currently experiencing or facing homelessness in your community.
Starting at approximately 10:30 am on Friday 14th of June at Red Door (located at St Joseph's Presbytery ) we will be walking 5 miles as a group to Peel Tower, to raise money and awareness for our projects.
Red Door is our day centre for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Bury.
The team at Red Door provide a warm welcome to anyone over 18, with holistic support including helping with housing, finance/benefits and health issues, with a big focus on wellbeing. We also provide free nutritious meals and a warm hub where people can socialise, and receive support.
However much you donate, every penny will make a huge difference to the lives of people who attend Red Door.