Beyond Ourselves was founded in the UK in 2008 and through friendship connections they found themselves in Ndola, Zambia helping community schools in the Copperbelt Province bring high quality education and nutrition to children across many communities and to offer training and professional development to teachers and senior staff of their partner community school. The charity's mission is to 'facilitate literacy training across Zambia', and recently, due to its success, its contextualised Jolly Phonics Teaching Aid was approved by the Zambian Ministry of Education to be rolled out across the country, helping train teachers and provide children with the resources to help them reach literacy levels to carry on their education.
St. Paul's School has been closely affiliated with Beyond Ourselves since 2018 and has had an especially close connection to the Limapela School in Kitwe which we, along with other pupils, will be volunteering at this July.
In order to help this cause, we have decided to raise a combined total of £4000 for Beyond Ourselves. We have decided to swim the distance between Kitwe and Ndola (two cities we will be visiting in July), and back, which equates to 98 km or 3920 lengths, to help reach this goal.
Donations would be greatly appreciated as the money raised will provide children with quality learning resources, high standard teaching and meals. Thank you.