Every day in Scotland…
25 people will have a stroke
30 people will have a heart attack
46 people will be diagnosed with heart failure
1 in 11 people will struggle to breathe because of chronic chest illness
Sadly, the director of BOLLOstore & Bang & Olufsen of Glasgow, Bob, recently lost a dear friend to a sudden stroke.
In memory, and in the hope of raising funds for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, on Wednesday 10th of May, Bob and his close friend, Brian, embarked on The Great Outdoors Challenge, in support of a cause that impacts the lives of thousands of families across Scotland every year.
The self-planned and supported expedition across Scotland is being carried out over the next 7 to 15 days. Keeping to the hills where possible, Bob and Brian began in the Knoydart, heading to Invergarry, Laggan, Braemar, Edzell, and finishing at Montrose. Carrying their own supplies and wild camping most of the way (with the hope of civilisation in Invergarry and Braemar), the challenge will be a tough experience for an extremely worthy cause.
With your donations, we can support the invaluable work being carried out by CHSS and assist in the rebuilding of even more lives. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.