My star baby Bertie is taking part in the 12 days of Star Jumps for Mummy's Star! ⭐️💙
Between 13th - 24th December he’ll be star jumping every day to increase awareness of cancer and pregnancy and to raise funds for mums and birthing parents diagnosed with cancer in or around their pregnancy.
Did you know that an estimated 1 in 1000 pregnancies are affected by a cancer diagnosis? We have seen a 40% increase in referrals for our support in 2024, and want to be able to match the growing need for support in 2025.
It costs a minimum of £360 for Mummy's Star to provide personalised, 1-to-1, emotional and practical support to a mum in this overwhelming situation for a whole year.
Mummy's Star is the only charity in the UK and Ireland dedicated to supporting these mums, parents and families, and they are funded entirely by donations.
Please give if you can and share my page so that others can learn more about cancer and pregnancy.