What is the Little Black Dress Initiative?
Founded in 2014 by the Junior League of London, the Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) was created as a week-long awareness and fundraising campaign that harnesses the power of social media to highlight women's issues. By sparking conversations, LBDI raises awareness and creates change in our communities, both globally and locally.
My Story and Why This Campaign Matters To Me
I joined the Junior League of Charleston in 2016. I was new to Charleston, more specifically South Carolina, and I didn't have many friends or anything to do outside of law school.
The Junior League of Charleston introduced me to a group of women who I wouldn't have ordinarily met but share the same interests. I love anything personal development, service-driven, and social. And this campaign is an example of the Junior League of Charleston meeting all three expectations for me.
In my commitment to participate in the fundraiser, I am being challenged to be better leader and to move outside of my comfort zone. I am a novice to social media although I am a millennial. I am tasked with raising awareness and funds to continue the work that the Junior League of Charleston to strengthen families. Lastly, I consider myself an introvert.
Through this campaign, the Junior League of Charleston has given me the opportunity to become develop myself, share how your funds or donations translate to impact, and I get to share with others why I care (not just why it's important).
So, here's are ways can get involved:
Help me make my goal of raising $250 by:
1. Asking me why I am wearing my black dress;
2. Donating to my fundraising page;
3. Choosing to where black with me for the week (March 14-March 17);
4. Visiting the Junior League of Charleston website (; and/or
5. Sharing my fundraising page and post.
Thanks for your support.