Please sponsor our 24 hour Bikeathon. In order to continue the many community, social and spiritual activities we need to continually update our building. One of our projects is to raise over £100,000 to replace our old windows. These have been in situ for 60 years, are not energy efficient and many are becoming unsafe. Our building is used daily to serve the local community in the heart of the city. It is an active place of worship and is used as a venue for the Mid Somerset festival. We wish to provide a safe, environmentally conscious and welcoming facility that is available to all.
Bath Citadel Salvation Army, as well as worship services, provides a café with affordable prices and many outreach programmes within the community. We have a food pantry, drop in Centre, luncheon club, fellowship groups, knitting group, Christmas day dinner for the Homeless and alone and many other activity programmes designed to meet the local needs.
The cost of replacing windows is immense and we are aiming to raise as much as possible through fundraising activities. Please support our endeavours. We wish to keep serving those in need and with your help we can continue to do so.
Thank you
The Salvation Army is a Christian Church & registered Charity working in 130 countries worldwide and is one of the largest and most diverse providers of social welfare in the world. In the UK and Republic of Ireland this work includes more than 800 Salvation Army social service centres and community churches. We provide unconditional friendship, support and very practical help to people in crisis and need and work with children, homeless people, all adult victims of modern slavery and those dealing with drug and/or alcohol addiction.