Following the path of the Kings!
I am a recreational runner, sort of hobbyist. I like running long ultra distance running. I picked up running after moving to this country. In the last 3 years, I have participated in a couple of 50 kms running events. In 6 weeks, I am taking part in a 100 kms (62.14 miles) running event - Race to the King 2024, following the footsteps of royalty along the spectacular Monarch’s Way & South Downs Way, to raise money for Wilson's PFA & would really appreciate your support. I will run. Hope you will sit on your sofa & donate!
Designed to challenge the most experienced runner, the 100 kms will take me on a journey to the coast before looping back to West Dean Gardens & out towards Arundel Castle & the heights of the South Downs in a figure-of-eight Ultra Marathon. That is more than 2 London Marathons! Any donation, of any size, from you will make a big difference & will help me complete this run.