Aulay is on a mission to make a difference for Positive About Down Syndrome and celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st of March 2024. Aulay, who has hypermobility and hypotonia, has faced physical challenges since birth. But with his great determination and the support of physiotherapy, he has made incredible progress. From using a frame to taking his first independent step, Aulay can now walk eight steps on his own. His next goal is to reach 21 steps by the event date and complete the #PADS21 challenge.
Positive About Down Syndrome has been an invaluable source of support for us and many others. When Aulay was just two days old, they sent card with genuine congratulations that made us feel cared for and supported and it never stopped. Since then, they have provided assistance in various areas such as preparing for surgery and offering professional support in Makaton, speech therapy, occupational therapy, toileting, and behaviour management.
We are extremely grateful for the work Positive About Down Syndrome does and hope to raise money to support this charity to continue supporting new parents facing similar challenges. Having a child with major health concerns can be daunting, but Positive About Down Syndrome helped us enjoy the good days and see the brighter side.
Join Aulay in his personal challenge of completing 21 Steps for T21 on World Down Syndrome Day 2024. Your contribution will make a meaningful impact and help Positive About Down Syndrome provide vital support to new parents.