I am Aspan Sharma, a 19 year old young leader for the Explorer Scout Unit, the Hatters. In July 2023, we will be travelling to Northern India to trek through the Ladakh region of the Himalayas . Our goals are to:
- deliver an optical project that will give the gift of sight to those who cannot see due to old age and are based in remote areas meaning that they would not usually be able to access the service.
- improve hygiene of young children in the Ladakh region
- and volunteer and support the local Snow Leopard Conservation Project.
Before travel we will learn to assess eyesight and prescribe the correct lenses, we will also be collecting the glasses required for the project and travel to Nepal and India with the appropriate glasses.
You can find more details at
In order to attend and be part of this experience, we all have to raise £3,000 each (through a combination of our own money and fundraising). Anything that you are able to give, will be a great step towards my fundraising target and our remote communities that we will be helping in the Himalayas.
Thank you for reading my fundraising story.
Aspan Sharma