Thank you for taking the time to read this story.
In 2021 my sister found out that she was pregnant, she was so happy her little family was growing. She had her first scan at around 12 weeks and they was happy to see their little bundle of joy. Unfortunately when they went to their 20 week scan they found out about their devastating news that their baby had Spina Bifida. She took the option to have open fetal surgery in London . With the surgery being successful my sister carried on with her pregnancy with complete bed rest and lots more scans. In December 2021 my niece was brought into this world via c-section.
Fast forward until now my niece is absolutely thriving in life crawling, walking unaided doing all the things they said she would not do.
Me and my work colleagues have decided to do the national three peaks challenge within 24 hours, to raise money for this charity.
Any donation would be really appreciated!
Shine provides specialist support from before birth and throughout the life of anyone living with Spina Bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional care staff. Shine enables people to get the best out of life.
Everything we do is made possible by our generous supporters. Your fundraising efforts help individuals and families in your local communities across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Every donation has the potential for profound impact.
THANK YOU for supporting Shine!