We left the UK last Saturday and some 1500 miles later arrived in Ukraine on the 16th.
This huge country is under the cosh, massive forests and flat fields sit under a dark leaden sky traversed by bug like helicopters ferrying military from A to B.
The roads are pot holed and largely empty apart from HGVs and black government SUVs that travel the motorways at high speeds. We set off as a party of five.
Two drivers have returned to the UK, their jobs done and the three of us remain in Kyiv which was attacked with missiles last night.
We have now delivered high quality meds to an emergency medical team that serve frontline positions and by the time we start for home tomorrow all three of our SUVs will be in the hands of three different fighting brigades.
Oh and thanks to your generous gifts and donations the orphanage school in Poltava District has received essential bedding, towels, blankets and many lovely cuddly toys.
We still desperately need your help though as the trip is underfunded largely due to the last minute expense of winter tyres.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us including Pick ups for Peace as well as family and friends.