One in six children and young people have a diagnosable mental health issue. That’s five children in every classroom with a condition like depression or anxiety.
In September, I’ll be taking on an incredible challenge to raise money in aid of Place2Be to walk this exciting and strenuous marathon distance challenge of 26 miles trekking along this stunning world-famous historic landscape.
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity whose mission is to improve children’s and young people’s mental health. They believe no child or young person should face mental health problems alone.
They strive to provide high-quality mental health services in schools. In addition, they are working with schools to build confidence and knowledge to promote a better understanding of mental health and well-being.
After Covid, so many children are suffering from mental health issues; my kids have both had their challenges, so the importance of education, awareness and understanding from an early age is more important than ever.
Please help me support Place2Be’s vital work, and together we can make a real difference to children's mental health and ensure that children don’t have to face mental health problems alone.