Imago Dei are an amazing organisation that works to support women in prison and continues to support them once they leave prison.
When asked why should people donate the CEO of Imago Dei Tracy responded
My response is why not? Surely everyone deserves a second/third chance etc. We all screw up from time to time and need help and support. We are human, fallible etc. Many women in prison have never been loved, valued, invested in, shown how to live, educated etc – many are victims themselves, they have no self-worth and fall into crime as a result of not valuing themselves. We show them value by working with them, showing them another way, sharing experiences and caring for them. What good is there in locking them up and leaving them? How do we expect them to come out of prison different to how they went in if we don’t educate and rehabilitate them? We believe every life is important and that no one should be defined by their past or even their current circumstances. If we want to see a reduction in the re-offending rate which is currently around 60% on average for women, then someone has to deal with the underlying issues in offending behaviours. By providing the women tools and skill to enable them to work through their pain in healthy ways, we are helping them to reduce harmful coping mechanisms such as drugs and alcohol. Enabling them to make different life choices and change the trajectory of their lives.