I am going to be doing a 60 day cold water challenge to raise money for Crisis charity. This is a charity which help the homeless across the UK.
Do you practice gratitude? Are you thankful daily for the warm house you live in? The food you eat daily? The comfy bed you sleep in each night… No, me either! Now imagine not knowing when you will next eat, not knowing when you will next feel warmth, not knowing if you will ever sleep peacefully in a comfy bed again.
I really was us to be mindful with this, can we think about these things daily, everyday for 60 days without fail. Sounds hard doesn’t it! I will leave this up to you guys what you donate as it does all help. I personally will be donating £1 each day of the challenge, as I know we can all spare £1 a day.
I will be posting regular updates on my instagram page @ALFIEJOMC if you want to follow the journey, I will be doing cold plunges, open water swims, swimming in lakes and on Christmas Day jumping in the sea!
Thanks for reading everyone one