The Sanctuary Trust Jersey provide accommodation and support to men who have reached a crisis in their lives and need help to get back into society.
The men who they support can have a range of issues including homelessness, economic hardship, domestic violence, mental health issues, family / relationship breakdown or addiction issues.
The Sanctuary is staple of the St. Aubin's community. My wonderful Mum already does a lot to support them, providing Friday night dinners every week. We'd now like to go one step further and raise some money for this amazing cause so that they can continue and grow in the work they do.
So....this July 2024, my Mum & I will be jumping out of a plane over St. Aubin's Bay! I'm not exaggerating when I say this is a terrifying prospect for us but, there's no backing out now! Any donations and support would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks in advance!
Sue & Aimee