I am kicking off this fundraiser by running the Wolds Way Ultra marathon which is 50km/31 miles trail run on April 19th followed by multiple more challenges.
After seeing first hand the Womens and Childrens hospital on 2 occasions this year, I want to partake in as any fundraising opportunities I can to reach the magical £100,000 needed for all the following improvements.
The WISHH Baby Loss Appeal is raising funds to enhance the bereavement facilities provided within Hull Women and Children’s Hospital.
Through the appeal, funds raised will enable WISHH to:
* Refurbish and soundproof the Bereavement Suite
* Renovate six quiet rooms
* Create a private entrance/exit to the Early Pregnancy Unit - to reduce the number of encounters families have with other expectant parents.
* Enhance the Early Pregnancy Unit
Help me to raise funds towards supporting this appeal, helping make a real difference to families when they need it most.
I have set my target of £100,000, Im under no illusion that this number is crazy to do on my own, but we all got to have a dream right!!!