In May 2024, I will be running the Rob Burrow Leeds marathon to raise money for Manchester Royal children's hospital. In March this year, our darling daughter Thea was rushed there at just 7 days old, which resulted in emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. This meant our brave, little baby lived with a stoma bag for 5 months of her life, which she then had reversed in August and is now doing amazingly! For both operations and stays in hospital, Thea had the best care from the staff, surgeons, nurses, doctors, clinicians, stoma nurses, meal time staff, cleaners, play leaders and everybody in between, not to mention the support we had as a new family of 4. There are not enough words we could write to show how much we appreciated the hospitals care, so I thought I would run a marathon instead! Amy will also be doing her bit by doing a cake sale/coffee morning next year, but it's me who needs all the support and encouragement I can get to get me through 26 miles of pain! If you can, we would love you to donate (big or small) to help us give back and say thank you for making Thea better, thank you!