In 2018, after what was thought to be chest infections, pneumonia, asthma... James was diagnosed with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) as an offshoot of a rare auto-immune condition that he didn't know he had. During the process of diagnosis, it had consistently been missed and overlooked, as it's such an unusual condition to be present in someone in their mid 30s.
There are over 150 types of ILD, all caused by loads of different things, and it's a disease I'd never even heard of, until I had to. The diagnosis turned our world upside down and doctors still can't really say what the future holds for Jim, just regular monitoring and hoping.
For Jim, when he was diagnosed, he had only 39% lung function remaining and it's been a journey and a worry ever since to measure, review and hopefully maintain that level so that he can live as normal a life as possible whilst still having this horrible, progressive disease.
We want to raise awareness of lung diseases via fundraising for the charity, Breathing Matters, who focus their work on research and development for all types of lung disease, including ILD, in the hope that one day, a lung disease diagnosis won't be so devastating for others.
Jim absolutely loves running and when he was diagnosed he was not able to run, only 18 months before diagnosed he ran a marathon and was really sad when his body couldn't do this with him any longer. When he was diagnosed I said I'd do some running (WHY I DON'T KNOW!) so here I am trying to keep me promise! For those that know me, you'll know I am NOT a runner so please realise that I never thought I'd ever do an official run!!
Please, if you can, consider donating to this worthy cause and hopefully in the future, others diagnosed don't have to live with the constant worry that this horrible disease brings. If for nothing else give me a reason to have to do this!
Breathing Matters mission is to raise awareness and inspire fundraising for vital research into pulmonary fibrosis and lung infection at UCLH and UCL Respiratory. Together, we can achieve anything!
Visit to find out more!