Hey! It's Nika from The Shift newsletter | NUJ London Freelance and Magazine branch.
This Autumn, I'll be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raising funds for the Rory Peck Trust, supporting freelance journalists globally.
I would love your support and cheerleading to help me get there. I have RA and my health has been a bit up and down, so I'll be 'Jeffing' this, see how we go.
It's a bit of a gamble but I'm going for it! Sofabed sorted, thanks to Sophie Pacellini at Rory Peck Trust!
You can support me by sharing this page with a friend and by making a wee donation - no amount too small - or too large!
Go ahead and make my day - and make a massive difference to journalists worldwide. It has never been more important. 🙏
Remembering journalists killed in the Israel-Gaza war - see
I appreciate you!
About Rory Peck Trust
Freedom is built on media freedom. For 30 years the Rory Peck Trust has been supporting the truthtellers and freelance journalists in the field who are revealing corruption and exposing injustices in all corners of the world. #RPT30 #anniversary #journalismmatters