Inspired by success of his book "Donkey Mail and Bully Beef" chronicling his exploits in Bosnia with the British Army, Maurice Evlyn-Bufton instigated the Sarajevo to Gorazde mountain bike challenge, raising funds for Fahrun Fahro Bascelija School through the Goražde Children's Foundation - aided and abetted by compatriots Nigel Wilson and Nick Scott, and complemented by former colleagues and contacts at the British Embassy in Sarajevo, as well as the Goražde Cycle Club (latterly - Goražde Downhill Cycling Club!). Objectives the team had to celebrate this 100km achievement by repeating the exercise in 2020, on the 25th anniversary of the departure of peace-keeping forces from Bosnia, were thwarted by the Coronavirus Pandemic - in consequence of which, Maurice, Nick and Nigel will return to Bosnia in May 2022 with a team of at least 25 cyclists, to repeat the exercise en masse and raise further funds for the children of Goražde. At the same time, the assembled group will pay homage to the British soldiers who lost their lives when posted there in protection of the local population.