If you or someone close to you faces heart health issues--including heart disease, arrhythmias, stroke, diabetes, and vascular dementia--chances are the treatment is thanks at least in part to the British Heart Foundation (BHF.)
Both the medical knowledge and the technology surrounding cardiovascular health around the world is moving forward at a rapid rate due to research funded by BHF.
For instance, the first pacemaker was implanted in 1960. Though lifesaving, it came with cumbersome lifestyle restrictions. Thanks to research funded by BHF and others, today's models are incredibly sophisticated in the way they address arrhythmias, with settings that can be tailored to each individual and their activity level, including elite athletes. Many pacemaker models even allow for an MRI.
Current projects funded by BHF include gene technology therapy, stroke prevention research, and a heart patch that uses stem cells to create new heart tissue, a promising approach to regenerating damaged hearts and preventing heart failure.
If you or a loved one experience any type of heart health concern, I urge you to visit the BHF website. The vast library of educational resources offers clear information on a wide range of conditions and treatment options, empowering patients to work hand in hand with doctors for the best possible outcomes.
This April, I'm thrilled to run the London Marathon in support of BHF and the critical work they do.
A donation of as little as $25 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every dollar, pound, or euro helps. I set an ambitious fundraising goal and I'd be grateful for your support.
Thank you!