Your friends are fundraising. Don't miss out, opt in.
We work as a group of volunteers to provide the children at New Inn Primary School with extra resources and experiences to enable them to have the best possible education.
New Inn Primary School PTA Registered charity number 1064894
"Wear something you love donation"
Isabelle and Olivia donated
£2.00 + £0.50 Gift Aid
"Wear something you love ❤️ "
Evie, Isla & Alfie donated
£3.00 + £0.75 Gift Aid
"Thank you PTA for non uniform day :)"
Bella & Rosalie donated
£2.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Thanks for our Wear what you love day!"
Marnie and Norah Trounce donated
"Norah Appleby. Ms Corten"
Anonymous donated
"Wear something you love"
Kayden Moore Yr2 donated