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Mum's on the run are a small team of mothers and a dad who run to raise money
For charity. This year we will be running in The Meon Valley Plod,Portsmouth Coastal half marathon,Bath half marathon, Great West run, Brighton marathon, London Marathon and the bupa10,000. We are doing all this to raise funds for The MACs charity. Our poster boy Liam is a local boy who is supported along with his family by this charity.
Liam was born without eyes and the sockets sealed. He has had over 30 operations to force the bones to grow so as not to deform his face. He has very complex needs. He has reduced hearing,is unable to walk and talk unaided and has epilepsy. As you can imagine families like this can feel very alone and at times not know which way to turn. That is why MACs is so important, It is a life line to them, so please give no matter how small. Every single pound will help to make a difference especially if you gift aid it.
So please help us mum's help MACs