My story started in January 2014 when I weighed myself and nearly broke the scales at 17st 3lb and figured enough was enough!
I started to work on my fitness and diet and last August I ran the Wetherby 10k...but was very disappointed with my performance :0(
That started me training properly...and soon I was running 10k at least once a week. This got me thinking...I wonder how many days on the trot I could do it??? And my challenge was born! I wanted a 31 day month so there would be no wimping out, a month that preferably was not a cold month but not too hot either, and a month where my final run would be at the weekend. Hello May!!!
So basically I'm gonna be out there running myself into the ground, I may as well raise some money for my favourite charity while I'm at it... Hope you all get behind me on this people :0)