About Mordiford C of E Primary School PTFA
Every parent, teacher and friend of the school is a member, and each year we attempt to raise at least £6,000 for school.
Amongst other things, this pays for:
£1,400 bus transport to take the children swimming each week
£1,400 towards Year Group trips to enhance curriculum topics
£1,400 on whole-school Christmas trips
Without the PTFA fundraising, every parent would need to pay more for their children to have these opportunities. School budgets are increasingly tight, so money goes directly to support the creative curriculum and the extras that make Mordiford such a lovely place to learn. Every cake sale, coffee morning or raffle ticket you contribute towards means more experiences for all the children at school. Thank you for all your support.
Mordiford C of E Primary School PTFA Registered charity number 1056806