It's a tale as old as time... you're quarantined at home during a worldwide pandemic. You're not sure how you can help... Virtual happy hours happen... Then you get challenged by your friend from New York to shave your head into a Mohawk for a good cause. AND you needed a haircut anyways!
We've found a charity, Direct Relief which is already providing much needed supplies to hospitals; not just masks, but all forms of personal protective equipment. So how can we help them get funding to support our medical workers fighting COVID-19?
The Challenge!
- Cut your hair into a mohawk.
- Donate to Direct Relief through this page
- Challenge your friends!
- Post on social media!
The best estimates are that a person infected with novel coronavirus is likely to infect 2-3 other people, so let's try and replicate that and get 2-3 other people to donate to this cause!
Be ready on social media... you may be getting called out next!