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Miracles for Kids helps families with critically-ill children battle bankruptcy, homelessness, hunger and depression so they can concentrate on what’s most important – fighting for their child’s life.
Miracles for Kids Registered charity number 912160616
"The Employees of PVP Advanced E O Systems congratulate you on your fund raising success and your wonderful donation to Miracle for Kids"
PVP Advanced E O Systems donated
$1,000.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"May God bless these funds and expand them for His purpose."
Keith Daniels donated
"Hi - My 4 year old nephew was diagnosed with a very rare cancer, had treatment, and is now healthy and happy! You will get there! Love, Judy"
Anonymous donated
$50.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
Ron Vandermooren has raised $18,496.06 so far
May The Stache Be With You (Ron Vandermooren) Moustaches for Kids
Gianfranco Masdea has raised $13,190.18 so far
The Barbarian (Gianfranco Masdea) Moustaches for Kids
Curtis Green has raised $9,588.15 so far
I'm I decided to be a grower for Curtis Green because I have always enjoyed helping people in need!
Chris Winn has raised $8,927.35 so far
Chris "Tom" Winn - Moustaches for Kids making Miracles for Kids
Mark Allen has raised $8,713.56 so far
Marco (Mark Allen) Moustaches for Kids
Cary Facer has raised $7,320.68 so far
I'm Growing a sweet Stache for Cary Facer because they need the help.