Press release

Scotsman’s 1000-mile Kiltwalk from Scotland to Germany for Euros 2024 

25 March 2024

Scotsman, Craig Ferguson, is set to walk 1000-miles in a kilt from Glasgow to Munich in time for the kick off of this year’s Euros tournament.  

Twenty-year-old, Craig, from Paisley, will be taking on the solo mission as a fundraiser for Brothers in Arms, a Scottish based men’s mental health charity.  

Craig said: “It started off as a little joke between me and my mates. I mean, like a lot of Scottish lads, we were talking about how we were going to get to the Euros.  

“Flights are so expensive, so I jokingly just said ‘oh I could just walk there’, and my best friend said; “you know what that could be a good idea. 

“From that conversation, I went down a rabbit hole and noticed that this was a big opportunity to raise a lot of money for charity.” 

Craig’s JustGiving page has already raised over £5,000 for the charity and he is aiming to reach £10,000 by the start of the Euros 2024.  

He said: “I wanted to choose a Scottish charity and for me personally men’s mental health is a cause really close to my heart, so Brothers in Arms made sense.  

“It’s a touchy subject for guys to get up and talk about their mental health, personally, I’ve been lucky and was raised to be open and honest about my feelings.  

“But I can see it in some of my mates and even in my own family, some of them are struggling or in some instances they have taken their own life.  

“You really feel the ripple effect of it, they say that for every one person who takes their own life, at least 100 people are affected – so yeah it’s a really prominent cause and I want to raise as much money as possible for it.” 

On May 4, 2024, Craig will set off from Hampden in Glasgow and begin his 1000-mile trek across six countries, walking on average 8-9 hours per day. 

Craig will be completing the entire challenge in a custom-made Scottish kilt. 

“I think this is the best bit. I can’t wait for people to see me all over the place just walking down some random road in a kilt,” he laughed.  

Craig’s goal is to arrive in time for the first game of the Euros and the kick off of Germany v Scotland on June 14.  

Craig explained: “I’ve laid it out so I’m near a village or town every night and not in the middle of nowhere.   

“I will have a tent with me as plan B, but plan A is having people put me up for the night or out of my own pocket I’ll stay in hostels or hotels – I’ve already started saving my pennies for that just in case.”  

Overall, Craig’s planned route will see him walk 1,017 miles through Scotland, England, Netherland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany.  

“I love travelling and visiting new places, in fact I didn’t need to go through Luxemburg but there are two reasons why I added it. One because I’ve never been and two, so I wanted to say that I walked 1000 miles,” he said.  

Pascale Harvie, President and General Manager of JustGiving said: “Craig’s challenge is amazing.   

“I love that Craig took what he saw as a fun challenge for himself and turned it into an amazing way to raise awareness and vital funds for a charity so close to his heart. 

“We at JustGiving wish him the very best of luck and cannot wait to see all the updates he will post throughout the challenge.” 

To donate to Craig’s JustGiving page click here.  


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