Nobody should need to sleep rough on our streets
Homelessness is about more than having a roof over your head. A home is not just a physical space, it provides a sense of belonging , roots, identity and a place of emotional well-being.
Homelessness is about the loss of all of these. For many it is a damaging and isolating experience.
People become and stay homeless for a whole range of complex and coinciding reasons. Tackling homelessness is about much more than putting a roof over people's heads. Many homeless people face a number of issues in addition to, but often compounded by, their homelessness. Isolation compounded with the destructive nature of homelessness means that homeless people find it difficult to access the help they need.
What Welcome Organisation is doing
The Welcome Organisation adopts a non-judgemental approach to addressing homelessness issues. All of the services are based on the principles of harm reduction delivered through low-threshold services. They are recognised for accepting people ‘where they are at’ as opposed to where others think they should be.
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