About Locked-In Trust
Our objectives are to provide the relief of those in need by reason of locked-in syndrome, in particular but not exclusively by:
(a) Providing information and advice to support people with locked-in syndrome, their family members, carers and relevant professionals.
(b) Providing or assisting in provision of specialist equipment, by making grants available to people with locked-in syndrome.
(c) Assist in the advancement of the equipment provided by the NHS in the UK to people with locked-in syndrome.
(d) Providing access or assisting in access for people with locked-in syndrome to go on holiday by making grants available to people with locked-in syndrome.
(e) To further such other charitable purposes according to the law of England and Wales as the trustees see fit from time to time by making grants available to people with locked-in syndrome
Locked-In Trust Registered charity number 1190995