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The Let’s Play Project is a charity that specialises in fun After-School clubs, Holiday activities and Youth Groups for Young People aged 5-25 with additional needs, in the Banbury area. We currently support over 135 families in North Oxfordshire.
Let's Play Project Registered charity number 1180524
"To all those that work so hard to provide these essential services, thank you"
Barbara Saunders donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"You are an amazing charity, doing such consistently great work. Thank you! AW and all the team at Cyan."
Andy Wintle for Cyan Partners donated
£1,000.00 + £250.00 Gift Aid
"You’re all superstars!"
Anonymous donated
£200.00 + £50.00 Gift Aid
"Donations made from parent carers from our tea/coffee mornings. "
SEND Support Banbury Ltd donated
£35.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"We love what you do and everything you stand for! "
£500.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Donation as part of school friend Launa Brooks successful London Marathon 2024 run - earning money for numerous worthy groups. "
Neil Stewart donated
£26.00 + £6.50 Gift Aid
Lorraine Lloyd has raised $45.30 so far
I'm We are raising money for Lorraine Lloyd because they bring joy, just like Christmas lights!