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The Labrador Rescue Trust is a charity covering the South West of England, to rescue and re-home Labradors in need of new homes for whatever reason, and to re-home them into genuine, caring homes. It matches the dog to the home and does not operate on a 'waiting list' basis.
The Labrador Rescue Trust Registered charity number 1088198
"For Dear Darling Daisy to celebrate the marriage her wonderful humans she’s a very blessed Labrador. XXX"
Alex&Tim donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"This donation is made on behalf of Simon and Mark as a gift to celebrate their recent wedding. A huge congratulations to you both (and Daisy) and thank you for letting us be a part of your big day. xx"
M & C donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"This donation is also gift in honor of Simon and Mark (their favourite Charity) who are getting married today..."
Anonymous donated
£30.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"A half marathon run by my son Ash, in support of a charity that entrusted us with a gentle black lab called Cooper who brought us all so much joy. Much loved and very much missed. "
Ness Smith donated
"In memory of David Francis (cousin) and his wife Karen. We will miss your holiday visits to Cornwall."
Michael and Joyce Polglase donated
£25.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"With Sympathy and Love from Peter, Jane, Harry, Henry ( your neighbours at Number 35 ) "
Peter Jones & Family donated
Theo Wood has raised $337.55 so far
I'm I have shaved my head to raise some money for Theo Wood because I love Labradors!