JUSTICE is an all-party law reform and human rights organisation working to strengthen the justice system in the United Kingdom. We work to make legal procedures fairer, more efficient and effective and more accessible. We deploy the expertise of our membership to undertake high-quality, evidence-based research to reimagine how the system can and should work differently and create practical recommendations for reform. We put users’ experiences at the heart of our work We recognise that many aspects of the existing structure and practises within the justice system compound exclusion for disadvantaged people. JUSTICE commands respect across the political spectrum, and we have representatives from each of the main political parties on our advisory Council. Our work touches the lives of people across the UK who deserve the protection of a strong justice system.
JUSTICE is currently working on reform of benefits decision-making, proposing a more child-centred approach to separating families and reform of the parole system. We are also at the forefront of efforts to protect the ways in which courts hold governments to account, protecting the operation of judicial review and the Human Rights Act.
JUSTICE Registered charity number 1058580