Swimming the Channel is a once in a life-time opportunity for me. When Peter asked me If I would like take part I knew I would love the challenge. I have been swimming on and off all my life but have not done long distance swimming since the age of ten when living in Singapore.
This challenge also enables me to raise funds for Derek Prince ministries. I love the teaching of Derek Prince and know of its power to transform lives. I have spoken to many people in different countries and walks of life and many speak enthusiastically of how it has impacted thier life.
Teachings such as, "Blessing or Curse You can Choose!" and "Invisible Barriers to Healing" have been used in the healing rooms I take part in. They are powerful tools to bring healing and release.
I know that any funds that I raise will be used by the ministry to bring good into peoples' lives and to accomplish the goal of "Reaching the unreached, and teaching the untaught".
Thank you for looking and considering supporting this challenge!