Welcome to my fundraising page! Thank you for visiting and showing your support.
My name is Jessica Vickery and I am 18 years old. I am currently studying 4 A-levels at Chatham Grammar School for Girls.
On 5th September I will be traveling to Uganda with Project Trust, where I will be spending 12 months living and working as part of the local community. I will be working with children, teaching them a range of subjects, including English, in an area where teaching resources are limited. I chose to volunteer with Project Trust, not only to enable me to experience another culture, but also to give something of myself to the people I will be living and working with.
Project Trust
(www.projecttrust.org.uk) is a non-profit charity, which each year sends around 200 volunteers to 24 different countries, the majority of which are in the developing world. Project Trust makes sure the placements are a benefit to the local community, whilst not depriving people of local jobs.
To be selected to volunteer with Project Trust I have attended a 5 day residential course on the Isle of Coll in Scotland. I will return there for training before I leave for Uganda next summer.
To take part in this amazing experience, I must reach my target of £4480. Therefore any donation you feel you can give, no matter how big or small, would be greatly appreciated!
Donating through this page is simple, fast and secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your donation at no extra cost to you.
Many thanks for your support!
Jess Vickery
If you have any questions, or want information on upcoming fundraising events, feel free to email me on jess_v@hotmail.co.uk
Photos from our trip to Malawi in October have been added to my facebook account. Whilst out there we visited one of the projects PT sends volunteers to. It made me even more excited about my year volunteering!
I created a new blog to keep everyone updated: check it out at http://jessinuganda.blogspot.com =D
£161 was raised through a Christmas Craft Sale at school so thanks to everyone that contributed!
The Christmas Raffle that my friend Gemma organised raised £90
The Christmas Quizzes sold before Christmas raised £133.50. Congratulations to Lyndon Gurr who won the bottle of champagne!
FEBRUARY QUIZ NIGHT - Thankyou to everyone who came! It was a great night and we raised over £560!
We completed it!
About 15 people joined in with the 24 hr hike from Rainham to Reculver from along 78km of the Saxon Shore Line, from Fri 28 March to Sat 29 March.
The whole walk took about 22hrs 30mins in total.
THANKYOU TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED IN!! and to the great support group we had!
Thankyou to everyone who sponsored us, we raised about £2000!! Well over what we had expected so THANKYOU again!!