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Inspire empowers the life choices of people with learning disabilities and additional support needs across the North East of Scotland. We provide a range of services including residential care, supported accommodation, training for employment initiatives and respite.
Inspire Registered charity number SC000038
"Loose change collection in Ramsdens Aberdeen"
RAMSDENS Financial Ltd donated
£242.59 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of Maureen Jane Youngson, 31/03/1961 - 13/12/2023"
Paul Youngson donated
£160.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"We are supporting local charities this Christmas instead of gifting to adults. Merry Christmas "
Jenny and Colin donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"Thanks to all who help make the supper club successful….."
RobinM🏴 donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"We recently held a raffle at I-Con to support you! "
I-Con Committee donated
£154.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"We recently raised money by raffling a one-off custom art piece and hope that you can put it to good use by continuing the fantastic work you do in the disabled community."
Rustworthy Relics donated
£206.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Business Network Scotland has raised $8,505.42 so far
I'm We are raising funds for Business Network Scotland because they are a local charity doing vital work.
Chris McDonald has raised $906.08 so far
I'm I am doing a full, 12 hour livestream on Twitch for Chris McDonald because they have earned our respect and admiration!
Business Network Scotland has raised $543.65 so far
Ross Milner has raised $381.85 so far
I'm My family and I are raising money for Ross Milner because they played such a positive role in Neil's life